- Height: 15.8mm (Max)
- Footprint: 14.5mm x 13.0mm (Max)
- Current Rating: Up to 40A
- Full Selection of Turns Ratios
AC/DC Converters
DC/DC Converters
Electrical Specifications @ 25°C - Operating Temperature Range1: -40°C to +130°C
Part Number
Turns Ratio
Secondary Inductance2 (mH,Min)
Secondary DCR (Ω,Max)
Current Rating4 (RMS/Peak) (A,Max)
ET Product8
(V-μs, Max)
Hi Pot (VAC)
Mechanical Drawing



Operating Temp. Range: The combination of ambient temperature and temperature rise.
Secondary Inductance: Tested at 10kHz, 0.1VRMS.
Primary DCR (1-2): 0.2 mΩ (Ref)
Current Rating: Peak current (50% duty cycle) through primary (1-2) to cause 40°C temperature rise at 25°C ambient.
SRF: Values are for reference only.
Terminating Resistor (RB): To calculate the value use the formula,
Flammability Standard: Meets UL 94V-0.
ET Product: The maximum ET is based upon a flux density of 3700 Gauss at 25°C. Suitable for bipolar applications only.
ET = EO/2f
EO = IPRB/TRWhere as,
EO = Output voltage (V) TR = Turns Ratio
RB = Term. Resistor (Ω) f = Frequency (Hz)
IP = Primary Current (A) -
Pieces/Tray: 121
Trays/Box: 10
Pieces/Box: 1210
Specifications subject to change without prior notice.